Andie's Spot
My new Body Language course out soon -watch here for details!
My article: "Understanding The Unsaid Signals" has just been published by Medico Legal Magazine issue 4 and can be viewed here, page 10: It outlines a few pointers for medical and legal professionals.... I hope it helps, any questions please go to contact page and I will help in whatever way I can. |
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Our Universal Language
...So I’ve finally got around to doing one of my pet nags-you know the nagging voice which goes on and on saying: "you really should do this” and it is...
...Body Language!
Do you know over 90% of our communication is non verbal, by that I mean non spoken word?
Body language as in eye movements, hand gestures, use of interpersonal space etc. makes up 57% of our communication. Voice, tone, timbre, delivery, etc being 33%
Actual speech, as in words, comes in at a paltry 10%- some say less than that!
This is powerful information for anyone wanting to communicate more effectively and it just so happens to be part of the skillset I learnt to master as an actor and comedian.
I've worked with many different corporations of all sizes and extensively within the law departments. For example- 18th January 2017 Exchange chambers in Manchester held an important seminar for all involved in negotiation, mediation and any kind of arbitration called aptly: A New Years Revolution spearheaded by joint head of chambers: Bill Braithwaite QC .......and senior barrister: Jonathan Dingle FRSA
And most recently, Feb 22nd, I gave the Kings College Law students a taste of what they could do with their non verbals. All were brilliant and it was very well received.
Get in touch if you would like private tuition or think your company and or individual employees would benefit from myself and/or my team paying your company a visit. We work all over UK and to different levels of experience and ambition!
YOUR BODY, YOUR VOICE, working wonderfully for you, when you know how to use them.
Past Dates for the Society Of Mediators 2016
13th April 2016 Society of mediators advanced skills course for QC's Barristers and high court judges
15th and 16th November 2016 Society of Mediators held an Advanced Mediation Course in London
31st October to 4th November 2016 -King's College Course
12th October 2016 Court Room Skills for expert witnesses- doctors and medical in this instance at 218 stand, The Strand, London
2nd February Court Room skills for doctors
22nd February 2017-King's College Course: For student lawyers
Seminars and Talks
New Course for Business skills for professionals and executives at The City Lit July 29th/30th
Details to follow
Upcoming Dates for 2017:
7-8 June (Wed & Thu) Advanced mediation skills:
19th september (Tuesday) Court room skills for expert witnesses
7-8 December (Thu & Fri) both in London.
Meanwhile, the clips below highlight some tips for succinctly reading what others and you are saying, even when you don't know you are, illustrated by some willing participants...
...So I’ve finally got around to doing one of my pet nags-you know the nagging voice which goes on and on saying: "you really should do this” and it is...
...Body Language!
Do you know over 90% of our communication is non verbal, by that I mean non spoken word?
Body language as in eye movements, hand gestures, use of interpersonal space etc. makes up 57% of our communication. Voice, tone, timbre, delivery, etc being 33%
Actual speech, as in words, comes in at a paltry 10%- some say less than that!
This is powerful information for anyone wanting to communicate more effectively and it just so happens to be part of the skillset I learnt to master as an actor and comedian.
I've worked with many different corporations of all sizes and extensively within the law departments. For example- 18th January 2017 Exchange chambers in Manchester held an important seminar for all involved in negotiation, mediation and any kind of arbitration called aptly: A New Years Revolution spearheaded by joint head of chambers: Bill Braithwaite QC .......and senior barrister: Jonathan Dingle FRSA
And most recently, Feb 22nd, I gave the Kings College Law students a taste of what they could do with their non verbals. All were brilliant and it was very well received.
Get in touch if you would like private tuition or think your company and or individual employees would benefit from myself and/or my team paying your company a visit. We work all over UK and to different levels of experience and ambition!
YOUR BODY, YOUR VOICE, working wonderfully for you, when you know how to use them.
Past Dates for the Society Of Mediators 2016
13th April 2016 Society of mediators advanced skills course for QC's Barristers and high court judges
15th and 16th November 2016 Society of Mediators held an Advanced Mediation Course in London
31st October to 4th November 2016 -King's College Course
12th October 2016 Court Room Skills for expert witnesses- doctors and medical in this instance at 218 stand, The Strand, London
2nd February Court Room skills for doctors
22nd February 2017-King's College Course: For student lawyers
Seminars and Talks
New Course for Business skills for professionals and executives at The City Lit July 29th/30th
Details to follow
Upcoming Dates for 2017:
7-8 June (Wed & Thu) Advanced mediation skills:
19th september (Tuesday) Court room skills for expert witnesses
7-8 December (Thu & Fri) both in London.
Meanwhile, the clips below highlight some tips for succinctly reading what others and you are saying, even when you don't know you are, illustrated by some willing participants...
Below: two wonderful mediators ...and ex officers of the Royal Navy, learning about body language...
Body Language talk I gave for advanced mediation for the society of Mediators.
Hands are a giveaway, so what do we do with them? This is a very short clip, more detailed info can be found at the next talk, but as a tip for you reading now-when sitting at a desk make sure both hands can be seen and are as relaxed as possible, this way you will feel and come across as relaxed and in control and any hand gestures you make can be clearly seen and read.
The classic mistake is to to pick up pens or objects and fiddle with them which is distracting and shows stress -calm, show those pesky hands who is boss !
Hands are a giveaway, so what do we do with them? This is a very short clip, more detailed info can be found at the next talk, but as a tip for you reading now-when sitting at a desk make sure both hands can be seen and are as relaxed as possible, this way you will feel and come across as relaxed and in control and any hand gestures you make can be clearly seen and read.
The classic mistake is to to pick up pens or objects and fiddle with them which is distracting and shows stress -calm, show those pesky hands who is boss !
And finally, for now!
Here is another trainee of body language and wonderful; mediator in his downright, learning to control the limbic brain and glue himself inlace...well not literally obviously!
Here is another trainee of body language and wonderful; mediator in his downright, learning to control the limbic brain and glue himself inlace...well not literally obviously!

Below is link for the 90 minutes talk I gave 28th November 2016 for Interesting Talks London.
We covered 10 very useful points of Body language to use in professional and social situations.
Plus the differences between how men and women non verbally communicate-that one is aways an eye opener.
We covered 10 very useful points of Body language to use in professional and social situations.
Plus the differences between how men and women non verbally communicate-that one is aways an eye opener.